I've been thinking about what kind of audiovisual project to do next and I think I have settled on the idea that I'd like to do an online "interview" with someone as they walk through a discussion of outlining what they see as the most important aspects of Epicurean philosophy to them. I don't think that a talking head video is the way to go, but this could be done by sharing a screen with a "mind-map" program where I talk to the person and they draw on the screen in real time the elements that they think are important into an outline and discuss them as they do it, move them around, etc.
This of course relates to our previous outlining discussions here: Draft Your Own Personal Outline of Epicurean Philosophy
I suggest the best guinea pig for this is Matt, being interviewed by me
Can I get some feedback on whether this sounds like a workable idea, and perhaps a good online mind-map to use? I have a paid zoom account or we could use skype, but the idea would be to share the map screen and talk through the creation of a basic outline of Epicurean philosophy, of course linking the idea to the suggestion in the letter to Herodotus.
I haven't used it but here is one that is totally free: https://gitmind.com/ If anyone has used something that they really like please let me know.
OK so how about it Matt? And how about any suggestions that come to mind from others, because after we do a prototype I think this would be a good series to do with everyone else eventually too.
But we need to do one as a prototype to test the concept.