Branching off from here, it would be productive to discuss the question, from Epicurus' point of view,*** what determines the possible and the impossible? What distinguishes between the two?
To get the discussion started I would suggest that the *only* thing that distinguishes the possible from the impossible is the properties and combinations of matter and void, and that there are no (1) divine / supernatural, or (2) purely logical, limits between the possible and the impossible.
Agree? Disagree? More to the story? If so, what?
And of course what I hear in the back of my mind in this question is Paul accusing the "pagans" of being "slaves to the weak and beggarly elements."
That's a derogatory way of stating it, but in fact do not the elemental particles and their combinations, and the elemental particles alone (which includes all the circumstances in which they may combine) determine what is possible?
*** Epicurus' point of view being the appropriate starting point here on the forum, rather than necessarily the end, of the discussion.