Attempting to keep the forum organized where posts are findable is a never-ending task. We've made some more updates to forum structure today with a goal (admittedly arbitrary!) that there be no more than 15 items in any category. That means at the top level there will be no more than 14 forums, and each subforum will have no more than 15 subcategories - we will group categories together anytime they exceed 15 in number. This is to prevent interminable scrolling in any one listing.
The forum software is very good at making automatic adjustments, but one downside of forum reorganization is that existing links can break. If you run into broken links let us know here in this thread and we'll fix them as quickly as possible.
At present, the top level structure of the forum will be:
- General Information And Discussion - Start Here
- Private Section - Includes Level 03 And Above Discussions and 20th Zoom Meeting
- The Lucretius Today Podcast and other Projects
- Events, Outreach, and Activism, Including EpicureanFriends Zoom Meetings
- Physics - The Nature of the Universe
- Canonics - The Tests of Truth: The Five Senses, Anticipations, and Feelings of Pleasure and Pain
- Ethics - How To Live As An Epicurean
- Epicurean Historical Figures - Biographies of Epicureans from Epicurus To The Present
- Ancient Epicurean Texts - 300 BC to 300 AD
- Material Of Special Significance (Commentaries and Textbooks)
- Materials After the Classical Epicurean Period (300 - 2000's)
- Comparisons With Non-Epicurean Philosophies
- Epicurean Lifestyle, Culture, And Places of Interest
Epicurean Symbolism in Art, Music, Literature, and Poetry
*Admin Note: Forum category names and order have been changed - 01/05/2025