Discussions of the Epicurean community always bring me back to ask "What was the Epicurean community in Hellenistic times?" "What was The Garden (Ο Κήπος) like?" Here are my thoughts:
- Ο Κήπος was only partially residential. Epicurus and the senior "instructors" probably lived on the grounds or associated house. Many students visited, maybe daily as life allowed, then went back to their regular lives to live the philosophy.
- It was not a commune! Epicurus specifically started property was not held in common. That would imply mistrust, that aid would not be given if needed.
- It was situated on a major thoroughfare between the city walls and the Academy. It was not a remote retreat out in the hills.
- This also appears to be the case for other κήποι in other cities. They were accessible to the citizens of the polis.
Not sure if this is applicable to the current discussion, but it seemed like an appropriate place to drop it in.