Thanks Amicus and Don.
I can see that this quick little article will actually require quite a bit of research and thought.
Is there anything extant where Epicurus discusses the three types pleasures? Or is that all just second hand?
I took the essential error within vainglories (unnatural unnecessary pleasures) to be that they assuage the ego more than they answer the needs of the mind/heart/body, which you could actually satisfy more fully by just sticking to natural pleasures. Uups are called imaginary and boundless, and they seem a type of madness -- tricks and ploys to distract you from the more fundamental pleasure of freedom of desire. Maybe sometimes it is good to indulge in a little folly, madness, and caprice; the problem is, of course, that they have a tendency to wrap their tentacles around our legs and pull us back down when we'd swim away.
Anyway, thanks again both of you for the help.