I intend to raise this issue in later threads, but the calendar crept up and here we are at another Twentieth, so I'd like to raise the issue: What would a modern local Epicurean "club" look like? We have frequently talked about Meetup groups, and some people (Sydney Australia) have even had some success with that method.
But as a general discussion that might help us in the future, if you could wish into being your idealized "Local Epicurean Group" in your home-town, in which you could participate, what kinds of things would you expect or like to see it doing?
How often would it meet? What kind of activities would it pursue? Would you think it would be logical for an Epicurean group to form the kind of "church-like" organization that we see some people, like the "Unitarians" attempt to do? Would you see an Epicurean group as more of a social gathering club that does mainly lunches and dinners along the "Meetup" style of things? Would you see a local Epicurean group giving lectures at local library meeting rooms?
Those of us reading these posts are nowhere near being able to accomplish any of these goals, but we'll never get there if we don't at least talk about what we'd like to see.
So what would you like to see in a local "Epicurean Group?"