(English synopsis of each article)
Eighteenth Century, n° 35, 2003. The Epicureanism of the Enlightenment, under the direction of Anne Deneys-Tunney and Pierre-François Moreau.
I. Special issue: The Epicureanism of the Enlightenment
- Presentation. New faces of Epicureanism
Pierre-François Moreau & Anne Deneys-Tunney
- Sources -
- The Philologies of Epicureanism
Emmanual Bury
- Epicurus and the atom system in the Critical History of Philosophy
Henry Deneys
- Sciences -
- Of a "discreet" Epicureanism. For a Lucretian reading of the Interviews on the plurality of worlds by Fontenelle
Christophe Martin
- The Atomism in Philosophical Thoughts. Diderot between Gassendi and Buffon
Garhardt Stenger
- Cabanis, Destutt de Tracy, Volney: Human Science and Epicureanism
Mariana Saad
- Morals -
- Between moral Epicureanism and aesthetic judgment: the critical variations of Saint-Evremond on the expression of passions in the theater
Jean-Charles Darmon
- Epicureanism according to Shaftesbury: febrifuge and imposture
Françoise Badelon
- Arouet, Epicurean poet. The voices of Epicureanism in youth poetry by Voltaire
Nicholas Cronk
- La Mettrie: an ethics of inconstancy, a metaphysics of tenderness
Francine Markovits
- Writings -
- Epicurean reminiscences in the wanderings of the heart and spirit of Crébillon
Jean Salem
- Marivaux and the thought of pleasure (References La Mettrie and Epicurus)
Anne Deneys-Tunney
- Violent Models and Sensations in the Genesis of Sade's work
Caroline Warman
- Casanova as Epicurus' Pupil
Branko Aleksic
- Annex: The Ethics of Epicurus, taken from his own writings by Abbot Charles Batteaux (Branko Aleksic's extension of Batteux's "La morale d'Épicure tirée de ses propres écrits"
- Epicurean practice and theory: the case of the obscene novel
Jean Mainil
- Controversies -
- Materialism and Epicureanism in England at the beginning of the 18th century
Ann Thomson (Who also translated a number of La Mettrie's works)
- The abolition of the Garden: the status of the philosopher as a hidden man in the Treaty of the three impostors. The Questioning of an Epicurean Tradition.
Abraham Anderson
- Anti-Epicureanism (Recall La Mettrie's System d' Epicure: "I call upon you modern anti-epicureans!")
Syviane Albertan-Coppola