This paper hit my inbox this week, and it's a worthwhile read presenting a case for the "realist" interpretation of the Epicurean gods. It also has some discussion of the prolepses, as is appropriate when considering the gods:
The Polytheism of the Epicureans
However the reason that I'm posting this is because of some of the references included. On pages 30-31, he includes the text of a letter purportedly written by Epicurus and found in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri [(wikipedia) and (google books)], with which I'm totally unfamiliar. The source of his reference is an essay by A.J. Festugière, ‘Épicure et ses Dieux,’ in a 1946 collection Mythes et Religions, edited by P.E. Couchoud, publisher Presse Universitaires de France-Paris. Apparently this is translated into English in Epicurus and His Gods by C.W. Chilton.
In addition to thoughts on the article, is anybody familiar with any of these sources? I'm curious where else they might lead....