My apologies that I have been slow to respond/participate in many posts of late. The quantity is so great that is difficult to know where to begin. I need to backtrack and pull together the central arguments of the issue.
There is clearly a huge epistemological concern on how one can approach fields of human knowledge and experience that cannot be measured by the usual tools of science. There seems to be a debate over whether anything can be known except by the scientific method. I think I can add a little bit to that conversation.
It is right that it would be good to see what Epicurus’ answer would be to this also, and so I need to review the material re inference, etc. It may help us to understand how he arrived at the conclusions that he did.
I have some work to do on this before I can participate usefully in this discussion, let alone in a Skype debate. But I’ll see what I can come up with this weekend.