Hello friends,
I have a question on EP physics. Please correct me if I am wrong in my premisses and conclusion. I want to resolve something I find to be contradicting.
According to EP when the body dissolves in its atoms the entity dies and will never live again.
The gods are perfect entities and therefor never die.
We know of the gods because in our dreams we receive simulacra of the atoms making up the bodies of the gods.
Now, I know EP says that we do not see the dead but we see simulacra “residue” so to speak. The dead are, well, dead.
My question is: what is the difference between the gods and the dead? If we know of the gods because we see them through simulacra in our dreams and they are alive, why does EP not use this proof to postulate the dead are also alive (eg with the gods in Intermundia) because we see them through simulacra.
Hope to hearing from you guys.