This thread is being set up as a public thread to discuss ideas for future use of the forum. You don't have to identify yourself as an Epicurean to post here - most of our forum space is open and we welcome anyone who is studying Epicurus and in good faith wants to participate.

Open Discussion of Future Forum Use And Organization
Among the topics that need to be discussed are these comments, with which I totally agree: "My ideas are related to up and coming social networks. FB, Twitter, Google+ are all facing competition due to their seeming stranglehold on the social web and their tendency to censor voices they don't like. So some of the new ones are gaining members due to their free speech stance. Participating in these, setting up and monitoring groups etc. will expand your reach, but it depends on how much work you want to be doing."
We already have a Discord server set up for group text and voice chats, and we also have the capability to use Skype. But we need to think about and organize their use. Also, I am familiar with GAB and MINDS and VK and all sorts of other new sites that cater to people interested in free speech, and it seems to me we probably ought to work toward a presence on those in the future. -
I encourage anyone who reads this to post at least a brief comment, as that will encourage newcomers to the main page to see that we are indeed alive here and I don't always just talk to myself
I would sincerely like to see more member activity here. I believe the dodgy notifications system of Facebook contributes to a lot of unnecessary angst to the process of communication. I constantly miss new posts and don't get notifications of new comments on threads. Having features that work as expected is seemingly not part of Facebook's UX criteria. Thank you again Cassius for setting this up.
Thought I'd weight in here as well. I am on Minds and Gab so am getting more familiar with them every day. From what I've seen, they are growing and constantly improving. Another one I'm on is MeWe. It is a very nice platform and is also growing.
All of these are relatively untapped with regard to an Epicurean presence. The downside is the same as the upside - free speech. To put it mildly, there are a lot of bigoted, mouthy idiots who do little but repost news headlines promoting their politics. However, muting and blocking is easy so with some diligence it is possible to carve out a space on these platforms that reached the right people.
Let me know if you want links to my channels on these sites. You can sign up and look around at your leisure.
I would definitely like to see your links on both places Eric, so please post them or message them. I know that the free speech sites tend to attract the radicals, but I would at least like to have a presence on any sites that might potentially have people who are interested in philosophical foundations.
Free speech and I personally value it deeply. So I am ok with the radicals. And as I said, they can be blocked.
I believe quality posts and information will outlast the haters and as I said it's possible to customize one's presence to an extend. Minds is seen as the top competitor to FB while Gab is the same for Twitter.
Here is my invitation to Minds: (they have a point system that allows one to boost posts and channels without spending $$. Could be very good for spreading messages)
Here is my channel on Gab:
Here is MeWe:
Thank you Eric! I plan to set up and join all three as soon as I can! -
Most welcome. I will watch for you. I don't yet know the value of these and it takes some getting used to since the online hatefest is going full force. My block lists grow every day!
But FB is facing some challenges and these are part of the next wave. It remains to be seen how it all shakes out.
Thank you for those recommendations Eric, I'm very excited to see the platform spread to rapidly.
I support having an Epicurean presence on free speech websites and expanding the presence in general. Finding the Epicurean Philosophy page on a platform as large as Facebook was encouraging, but to then be handed a multitude of external resources to help in my early studies was very impactful. At the end of the day Facebook is primarily a marketing tool and, as with hundreds of other social media and sharing platforms experiencing similar divides, if content does not fit the ephemeral mold set by whoever owns it, it is liable to get pushed far into obscurity. This should hardly effect Epicurean efforts as long as there is a presence on burgeoning platforms like EricR has provided, and I definitely think it will serve to introduce more people to the philosophy. Great work everyone, and thank you!
Thanks Mako. It remains to be seen how these platforms work out. Gab and Minds seem to be currently dominated by the worst of the free speech hatefest, but that's because many of them were kicked off Facebook & Twitter.
But there are many reasonable and interesting voices there and these are growing as well. So it remains to be seen what these platforms will look like in the coming years.
MeWe seems less popular and less vitriolic overall, but you can certainly find the extremes there as well. I'm active on them all to see how things go and how well one can customize the experience. If you join any of these, seek me out and let me know you're there so I can link to you.
February 28, 2023 at 4:01 PM Moved the thread from forum General Discussion And Navigation to forum Epicurean Activism General Discussion and Navigation. -
February 4, 2024 at 2:05 PM Moved the thread from forum Epicurean Activism General Discussion and Navigation to forum EpicureanFriends Forum Development. -
February 4, 2024 at 5:31 PM Moved the thread from forum EpicureanFriends Forum Development to forum Forum Announcements.
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