I've thought for some time about this topic. Aristotles argument, that virtue lies in the middle of two extremes, seems irrefutable to me... and actually applicable to almost every aspect in life. As far as I can judge, the best way is always the middle. If you don't workout at all, you'll have a bad health- if you work out too much, your life will be all about improving your health and nutrients. Both of these outcomes are bad; the truth is in between- workout to be healthy, but don't become obsessed with it. The same thing applies to work, finances, and I would even dare to say politics- a state which supports individual and entrepreneurial freedom, yet has boundaries which shouldn't be crossed (environment, workers safety, work time, pay etc.) seems fantastic to me.
I'm sure that Epicurus had heard of Aristotle and has read at least some of his works. Does he have to say anything on that?