For the context: I ´ve moved from the stoic camp to the epicurean and I am learning the Epicurean principles.
In metaphysics and epistemology the Epicurean have in my opionion the better and more realistic approach.
Now I dive more into the ethics.
In ethics I wonder if Pleasure involves personal values besides the "pure bodily" pleasures.
(There is a citation which says: Beside the pleasures of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching... .I would not know any pleasure)
But I think I get it wrong.
Where are personal values in the Epicurean pleasure concept if they are there ?
Because I see virtue as a means to fulfill these values which give me pleasure (maybe thats the answer, a wide interpratation of pleasure ? )
Beside the pure sense-pleasures, I value for example that:
-I am not addicted to something/someone
-value friends/familiy, progress in society,
-have compassiong for humans and animals
-love to learn new things and philosophy (like Epicurus), learning about nature, value/ like to improve abilities.
Are that "pleasures of the soul" ?
Or are these values part of "virtue" ? That virtue gives pleasure ?