The Google Sites don't allow for comments. As I mentioned previously, I'm just fitting this into my day as I can/want/am able, so I'm not sure how long it'll take to complete all 10 books. But I'm encouraged by your interest and am open to your ideas on how to point to it or allow people to comment on it on this forum.
Oh yes Nichomachean Ethics surely must be one of the key books that needs to be reviewed over and over. The same would go with several other works which would no doubt include Plato's Philebus as well.
I'm not sure how it can be set up and it might not be possible to do much more than we are doing now, but hopefully we can eventually come up with some ideas. a Wiki format might work but lots of effort involved in anything like that so we probably just ought to plow through the material as best we can and then work on organization a little later.