This thread might be of limited interest but I discovered tonight that TauPhi and Cleveland Okie share an interest with me in Linux and Free Open Source software. We've previously discussed this topic at least in passing in a couple of places, and I may be posting this in the wrong forum (if so we'll move it).
But in the meantime while the iron is hot I wanted to invite Clevelan and Tau and anyone else with an interest in this to add to this thread. For the moment I will just say that all my computers have been Linux for at least ten years, and I find the whole "Free and Open Source" software movement to be something that fits neatly into my ideas that Epicurean philosophy should be spread as freely and openly as possible. The methods used t coordinate volunteer projects in building software (using GIT and similar methods) seems to me to fit hand in glove with methods we can use to coordinate volunteers in propagating Epicurean philosophy. The Epicurean viewpoint is inherently personal and doesn't lend itself to tight central control, and it seems to me that the same methods people have found successful for working together freely on software are a good model to follow in our philosophic work.
Maybe one more example -- I find that two current FOSS software projects -- and Logseq - lend themselves directly to outlining and organizing the Epicurean material, and I use them most every day.
Ok that's a general intro to the topic but people can get as specific as they want. Apologies to those who are not interested, but this is a good example of a topic that is at least tangentially related to philosophic work, and we invite others with similar specialized interests to do the same in this "Lifestyle and Self-Improvement" section.