Quote from Cassius - Admin NoteADMIN NOTE: This thread was originally a part of a discussion of the translation of the Letter to Menoeceus by Peter St. Andre started here. This first post below was near the start of the tangent that led to the split-off, but you may need to read several posts before you get an idea of how the new thread title applies. -- Cassius
Hello Don,
What about taking the second τὰς back to τὰς ἡδονὰς?
Granted, I'm just eyeballing it, so I should take some time to give it closer attention, but I'm reading the second τὰς as a reference back to τὰς ἡδονὰς, with the ἡδονὰς understood, so taken together 'the pleasures of profligates or the [pleasures] lying in consumption.'
I address that elsewhere in my translation commentary, but, briefly, even if that's the course taken, I would still stand by something like "those (pleasures) stuck in the enjoyment of (only) those things from outside ourselves."
My take is that this is a direct swipe at the Cyrenaics.