Here is an interesting article:
QuoteStory Highlights
- 74% believe in God, 69% angels, 67% heaven, 59% hell, 58% the devil
- Nearly three in 10 do not believe in hell or the devil
- Belief greatest among frequent churchgoers, Protestants, Republicans
The percentages of Americans who believe in each of five religious entities -- God, angels, heaven, hell and the devil -- have edged downward by three to five percentage points since 2016. Still, majorities believe in each, ranging from a high of 74% believing in God to lows of 59% for hell and 58% for the devil. About two-thirds each believe in angels (69%) and heaven (67%).
Belief in Five Spiritual Entities Edges Down to New Lows
Americans' belief in five religious entities -- God, angels, heaven, hell and the devil -- have all edged down since 2016, continuing a longer-term trend.