Christos_Yapijakis just posted this on my timeline. Takis tells me the video will be streamed from the Symposium Facebook page.
Everything is ready for the 8th Panhellenic Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy,
Hopefully, my good friend, you will be able to watch the event live!
This year, one of the major sessions will be:
Epicurean psychotherapy with frank criticism
Philodemus “On anger”
Lack of freedom of the dependent person and the epicurean liberation of his mind
Control of stress and Epicurean philosophy
I will cover the first topic and the last topic will be covered by internationally reknown Prof. George Chrousos (, who has discovered most of the neurobiological mechanisms of stress.
The session and the Symposium was publicised by Greek media in health news (!):
Please feel free to send this message to our Epicurean friends all over the world.
Hopefully, in the future we will meet in an International Symposium of Epicurean Philosophy...
Friendship dances around the globe! Be prudent and live happily!