the Letter to Menoeceus • Epicurus • spoken
Yes!! Just saw this announced on Instagram!!
Snippet is well with a listen! Ioannis Stratakis voice is great!!
Here's the YouTube snippet
the Letter to Menoeceus • Epicurus • spoken
Yes!! Just saw this announced on Instagram!!
Snippet is well with a listen! Ioannis Stratakis voice is great!!
Here's the YouTube snippet
But the hoi polloi, on the one hand, flee from death as if it is the greatest evil, then, on the other hand, on the other hand, they desire for themselves an ending of the evil (pain) in living. [126] So then, the wise one neither begs nor craves for living nor fears not living: Neither to set oneself against living, nor to imagine that it is evil to not live. Just as the most food is not chosen but that which brings the greatest pleasure; choose as well not the longest time but that in which one enjoys the fruits of that which bring the greatest pleasure.
That reminds me, Don, I found a good video (with spoken Greek) on the Anabasis by Xenophon which we were discussing the other evening;