QuoteThat is, do you think "the mind" exists, in part, outside of the skull?
BrainToBeing to be honest, I'm just beginning to look into the idea of the "extended mind" and am curious as to your thoughts on the matter. I certainly don't put any stock in a mist floating outside of the body, or of a supernatural spirit.
I just listened to the Annie Murphy Paul interview that Don linked to. She seems to be defining the idea using interoception, in-person social networks, and a variety of tools, both analog (notebooks, calendars) and digital. From what I gather, she's not working with rigorous science but is more interested in practices people can do to increase their personal efficacy. (Correct me if I'm wrong; I was interrupted a few times while listening.)
To answer your question, I think that the mind, being physical, exists in the body. And I'd say that the mind probably exists in the body outside of the skull, for example in the nervous system. I'm not prepared at this point to say that the mind extends outside of the body: that seems to me to be more metaphorical. If communication, processing and storage systems are all considered to be "mind", that completely redefines what it means to be a human animal and seems like a major overreach.