Tonight Vatican Sayings 67 & 68!
Open to Level 03+ members (and Level 01 by pre-approval of the moderating team).
Tonight's Agenda:
- Welcome
- Discuss latest popular forum threads & latest podcast
- Discussion on Vatican Sayings 67 & 68:
VS67. A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs, yet it possesses all things in unfailing abundance; and if by chance it obtains many possessions, it is easy to distribute them so as to win the gratitude of neighbors.
VS68. Nothing is sufficient for him to whom what is sufficient seems too little.
- We will continue with the same Zoom link as previous Wednesday night meetings.
- Level 03 members - those who haven't previously attended, please let us know here in this thread if you are interested, or message me.
- Level 01 members - message me or Cassius if you are interested in attending (to be considered for approval by the moderator team).