This is the discussion thread for the FAQ entry of the same name. Feel free to add comments here or to add them to the threads linked in the FAQ itself.

What is the Best Source of Fragments of Epicurean Texts?
This is the most complete list of Usener' s fragments in English that I know of:
Epicurus: Fragments - translation
Bailey's Epicurus: The Extant Remains has most of them, I think? But they're not in the U# order:
Epicurus The Extant Remains Bailey Oxford 1926 Optimized For Greek On Left : Cyril Bailey : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveEpicurus - The Extant Remains - Cyril Bailey - Optimized for Greek on Left Side for On-Line -
Thanks Don! I will also add a link to the Usener at Epicurism and Attalus.
The translations that I shared in the Epicurean Politics thread came from the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Volume 23, September 1920. (Given those parts of the text are just Philodemus speaking, and do not quote or mention Epicurus, I do not expect them to be Usener. )
The Rhetorica Of Philodemus; Volume 23
Looking at U41, Usener says the author is uncertain and gives the citation "Vol. Herc. 2, 10.201 fr. 44" and the text "…καὶ ἄλ]ληι κἀν [τῶι Περὶ Ὁ]σιότηιτ[ος, κἀν τῶι] δωδεκάτωι καὶ] τρεισκα[ιδεκάτωι] Περὶ Φύσε[ως, κἀν τῶι] πρώτω[ι τῶν περὶ] Τιμοκράτους."
I am unable to find the P.Herc. for this quote. Any ideas about finding a source for the text would be much appreciated.
Also, do we have any translations of Philodemus On Wealth?
a start...
Corpus Papyrorum -
Also, do we have any translations of Philodemus On Wealth?
This might interest you. Good stuff starts on page 37.
a start...
Thank you Don, that book does have the same quotes. One issue, however, is that, given it is also an old German book, it is giving the same old version listing of the P.Herc that Usener provides. So far, I have not able to find the corresponding Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri number for the quote.
Good stuff starts on page 37.
Another win from Brigham Young! Thank you TauPhi. Erik Anderson does not provide translations for a lot of the Philodemus quotes. This paper covers P. Herc. 1570, which is Philodemus, On Wealth, Book number unknown -- and I am saving it for when we get there! But in the U40's Usener is pulling from Philodemus, On Wealth, Book 1, which corresponds to P.Herc. 163.
So far, I have not able to find the corresponding Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri number for the quote.
Have you tried here?
I don't know any Greek so I have no idea if you can find there what you are looking for, but P.Herc. 163 is there together with transcription, photos of the fragments, sketches and engravings.
there together with transcription, photos of the fragments, sketches and engravings.
Yes that is a great resource for the primary texts -- for P.Herc. 163 I am just looking around for a translation before I start hazarding through and trying to make one (they are not part of Eriks work).
For Usener's "Vol. Herc. 2, 10.201 fr. 44." however -- I dont know what the P.Herc. number is or have any access the primary text beyond what Usener gives.
For Usener's "Vol. Herc. 2, 10.201 fr. 44." however -- I dont know what the P.Herc. number is or have any access the primary text beyond what Usener gives.
It's Pap. Herc. 1111
It's not "Vol. Herc. 2, 10.201 fr. 44." but it's "VH2" and it stands for 'Herculanensium voluminum Collectio altera' volume 10 published in 1875. It's fragment XLIV in there. Unfortunately, has only volumes up to 8th so not sure if you can find it scanned anywhere else online.
Here you can find the transcription, at the very least:
Epicurus-Deperditorum librorum reliquiae
Search for 'Pap. Herc. 1111 fr. 44 VH2 X 201' on that page.
Here you can find the transcription, at the very least:
Epicurus-Deperditorum librorum reliquiae
Wow! This will be very helpful -- thank you so much! I have been using a "PDF to text" version of Usener and correcting it back to match the book. This is the smooth transcription I have been looking for! I am happy to have it now at the beginning of the project, it would be unfortunate to find it towards the end!
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