Coming up this next Monday is our First Monday Epicurean Philosophy Discussion - Via Zoom at 8pm ET -This is a great opportunity for meeting others who are also studying Epicurean philosophy -- and we especially want to invite new members to attend!
1. Welcome
2. Meet-and-greet (for new members who have not previously attended a Zoom meeting).
3. Short presentation "Practical Exercises in Applied Epicurean Philosophy" by Kalosyni
4. Open Epicurean Philosophy Discussion
We'll be sure to have time open for discussion beyond the special topic, or to discuss any current popular forum threads, or questions.
If you are new or haven't attended before -- let us know if you are interested by posting in this thread or message Cassius or myself.
Previous attendees will already be on the list and will receive a private message about a day or two before the meeting which will contain the link (no need to RSVP beforehand).
Hope to see you there!