I am editing last week's podcast, and we are now going through Velleius' criticisms of standard supernatural religion.
In so doing we will come up with a list (started here) of what Velleius (and presumably the Epicureans) thought to be the most important arguments to deal with . In addition, Joshua and I have already mentioned that we would like to include other issues (such as the "riddle" / problem of evil ) which may not be in Velleius' commentary.
So for those who find this topic of interest, let us know if you think there are particularly influential arguments that we should include in this series. There is probably an endless number of them, but certainly some are more popular than others, and we don't want to miss anything obvious, so please mention in the commente any that you would like us to be sure to cover. We particularly want to cover the "logical" or "natural" arguments that would tend to impress younger people who think they are being fair-minded, as opposed to those who are taking everything explicitly on faith.