Week 2 - The Nature of Things and How We Can Have Knowledge of Them
The posts in this thread are work-in-progress for the self-paced course: "Introduction to the Philosophy of Epicurus."
Epicurean physics and canonics are at the foundation of Epicurean philosophy, and the source of this concepts are found within Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, and Epicurus' Letter to Herodotus & Letter to Pythocles.
Below you will find useful links for self-paced study.
-- Section 2.1 - Physics --
1. Article by Cassius Amicus - "Epicurean Physics"
2. Lucretius Today Podcast - Episode 259 - "Nothing Comes From Nothing"
3. Forum discussion - Physics - The Nature of the Universe
and Atoms and Void - Properties, Qualities, And Emergence
-- Section 2.2 - Canonics --
1. Article by Cassius Amicus - "Canonics – How Can I Be Confident In What I Think I Know To Be True?"
2. Lucretius Today Podcast -
3. Forum discussion - Canonics - The Tests of Truth: The Five Senses, Anticipations, and Feelings of Pleasure and Pain
-- Section 2.3 - Text Reading for Week 2 --
Additional links and material will be added soon