Hi Everyone, Coming up next Monday on June 3rd is our next "First Monday Epicurean Philosophy Hour" - Via Zoom, 8pm ET.
- Welcome
- Discuss lastest popular threads on the forum
- Short presentation to introduce the topic, followed by discussion
This month's topic: Basis and methods for making choices and avoidances -- What is our starting point? What is our goal? What if anything might interfere with the process? What might help us make the best choices and avoidances?
Open to all forum members! And we especially invite those who are new on the forum. This is a great way to meet, converse, and engage with others who are studying the philosophy of Epicurus.
We'll be using the same link as last month.
If you have not yet attended a Zoom, please let us know here if you are interested (or send a private message to Cassius or myself). We will send the link by private message the day before the meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you there!