This is sort of a "fun" category because it calls for continued investigation and research, something that some of our participants are very good at! I've set up several topics here, moving them from other areas, and there are other topics to be added, such as the identity of the author of the 1743 Edition. I'll let Joshua start that one as he has been the lead researcher on it and has the best ideas.
A good example of a long-standing thread that has been moved here is the "Where is Epicurus in the School of Athens?" artwork.
If anyone thinks of prior threads that would be better off here than where they are, let us know and we will move them or at least post a "redirect" notice.
There are plenty of "unsolved questions" about philosophic issues, but let's restrict this forum to more "historical" or "fact" questions rather than general philosophic questions, which go better under the existing forum categories.
Check the link below to go to the new forum and see the list of threads: