The future has arrived! 🤖 (And departed).
Radio Station's Attempt to Replace Hosts With AI Ends in Absolute Disaster
The future has arrived! 🤖 (And departed).
Radio Station's Attempt to Replace Hosts With AI Ends in Absolute Disaster
Thanks for sharing!
I'm more of a history and anthropology sort of person, but I've been exploring sci-fi recently as an exercise to imagine possible pleasant human futures that don't appear to be formulating in our current time and I wondered if some Epicureans of the future would ever join or mount something like the Butlerian Jihad and destroy and ban some future advanced A.I. technology ala Frank Herbert's "Dune" series. I have adapted well to some text based A.I. tools but using it for images, audio and video, and most robotic applications is still deeply disturbing to me.
Hi there!
A Butlerian Jihad would be pretty violent and involved. It would depend on what kind of menace the thinking machines presented. If it was the case that they would destroy the human race, the future Epicureans included naturally, I see them joining the fight. It's impossible to guess, though, what future people will do. (Just look at recent polling). It would all be in their laps, and how they see their own pleasure-pain calculus.
I have adapted well to some text based A.I. tools but using it for images, audio and video, and most robotic applications is still deeply disturbing to me.
You'd be surprised how fast AI grows on you. Chat people on the forum here will vouch that I am a dedicated user of Alexa! Heck, I just used her services to spell "calculus" correctly!