This month is the "Annual" Twentieth (birth of Epicurus) and this year our modern calendar coincides with the ancient calendar! In addition, the forum is celebrating 10 years and the Lucretius Today Podcast is celebrating 5 years!
- Welcome and Opening reading
- EpicureanFriends forum "Year in Review" (2024) and "Leaping Pig Awards"
- Discussion of Epicurean philosophy (popular forum threads, etc.)
Attendance Info: Meeting is limited to "03 - Members" and Above. A private message with link will be sent out the day before to those who have previously attended. If you have not previously attended, or if you have been absent for more than six months, please private message Kalosyni to be added into (or back onto) the private group message.
Reminder: Watch our Livestream event on January 19th, and be part of the live chat! To find out more click here.