This is an article about newly recommended limits on alcohol:
QuoteOn the heels of the surgeon general's warning about the cancer risks of alcohol, there's a growing consensus that less is better.
But this doesn't mean that people who choose to drink should give it up entirely. Though there's no precise answer on how much alcohol can be consumed without increasing health risks, many experts say an acceptable amount ranges from about one drink per week to no more than seven drinks per week.
This is significantly less than what is currently recommended. A review underway may lead to changes to U.S. guidelines this year. And many experts agree the current advice, which is up to 14 drinks a week for men and seven for women, is out of date and may be too high.
"I do think a change is needed," says Dr. Aashish Didwania, a primary care physician and medical educator at Northwestern University.
A growing body of research points to a link between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of seven types of cancers, stroke and premature death. But what's still debatable is the exact threshold at which risks increase. This likely varies from person to person based on their genetic risks and other lifestyle habits.
All I can say is listen to your body and how you feel. Also, perhaps as one gets older the body is less efficient in clearing out alcohol, so then at a certain point deciding not to drink any more alcohol - that's were I am now.