AxA check this thread for some past discussion on Meetup group possibilities:
ThreadPlanning And Execution of A Local Group
Epicurean Meetings and Conventions
New: Meetup Handouts
Update: As of 2/10/25 as I am writing this, it is my understanding that the Sydney Australia Epicurean meetup group is no longer operational. I have left the links below in case you want to look for prior versions of the page, but at present i am not aware of any operational Epicurean Meetup groups.
In most parts of the world, there are at present very few opportunities for regular people who are interested in Epicurus to get together to…
CassiusJanuary 8, 2018 at 6:58 AM
Great discussion. Exactly the kind of experience I want to learn from.
The links to the DokuWiki pages seem to be broken.
The latest internet archive I can find for the Sydney meetup is 2021, and its recent events appear to have been in a “virtual garden”:
I like this statement: “it is probable that almost any metropolitan area of any size would support a Sydney-style meetup group if even one or two people act with determination to keep the meetings on track and recognize that attendance will likely remain small for an extended period.”
This is what I’m going on. The minimum is 2 people per metropolis willing to meet once a month to talk Epicurean philosophy. That seems doable.
I also like this statement: "the academic world ... has labeled Epicurus as a philosophy for losers, misfits, loners, and recluses." I can work with that. Sounds like labels for anyone who doesn't place high enough value in social approval and honours. I have no interest in directly fighting that narrative. I'd rather embrace it with a laugh, and live the way I want to among my friends without regard for mainstream approval. The happier we live, the more hollow anyone else's disapproval becomes.