David Sedley - Epucurean vs Cyreniac Happiness

Thanks to Joshua for finding this article and Don for finding the link at Academia. There are a number of very important aspects to this article (which I suspect is also one of Dr. Sedley's most recent articles on Epicurus) that could fit under different categories here. However it came to our attention in the discussion of how Infinite time does not contain "greater" pleasure than finite time, and we first mention it in Lucretius Today 269.
I want to suggest that this is a very good article to read because:
1 - We're constantly talking about the difference between the Cyreniacs and the Epicureans and this is probably the most authoritative article.
2 - It gives a very interesting take on how Epicurus was looking at more of a "big picture" perspective on pleasure than were the Cyreniacs. The article comes to the defense of the Cyreniacs in defending them against the accusation that the Cyreniacs seemed to be narrowly focused on today or the pleasures of the moment. Sedley says that's not a justified accusations.
3 - The way in which Sedley thinks that Epicurus DID differ from the Cyreniacs is very helpful for our understanding of the widened scope of pleasure, and how Epicurus used that widened scope, not only to make pleasure more accessible, but also in a way that I think plays into the "complete life" and the "limit of pleasure" issue that is so difficult for so many people.
The thread where we first started talking about this for Episode 269 and is here, but for the future it will probably make sense to add more comments here.
Then we'll take these comments and incorporate them into Lucretius Today 270.