Hello "Level 03 Members and Above"!, Our next 20th Zoom will soon be here:
- Welcome and Greetings
- Opening Reading - "Commemoration of Epicurus and Metrodorus, a Reading of the Names of the Epicurean Scholarchs, and an Ode to Venus (opening to Lucretius)" - presented by Kalosyni
- "Honoring our Monthly Notable Epicureans - Zeno of Sidon and Colotes of Lampsacus" - presented by Cassius
- Open discussion on Epicurean philosophy (plus discussion on podcast and popular forum threads)
- This is a great way to celebrate the Epicurean philosophy and keep in touch with fellow members who are dedicated to the on-going study of Epicurus.
If you are a Level 03 Member interested in attending and have not previously attended (or have not been receiving the monthly link sent out by private message) please let us know an we will add you to the private group. Link will be sent out the day before the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please note: the 20th meeting is open to "Level 03 and Above".
For all who are "Level 01 - Introductory Members", we have the "First Monday Zoom" meeting open to your attendance as a "meet-and-greet" and it also functions as an introductory meeting for any questions, to which we hope you will attend. Please message Cassius or Kalosyni, if you are interested.