Suppose for a moment that you were asked this question:
"What did Epicurus consider to be the most compelling arguments against setting 'pleasure' as the highest goal of life - arguments which he had to meet as a matter of the most urgent importance?"
Probably the majority (at least in the past, but probably still now today if we consider the world as a whole) would say: "The gods wouldn't like it and would punish you!"
Others would say "When you die you will face judgment, and you will burn in hell!, so you better live in fear of that and live a virtuous life now!"
But I want to suggest to you that there is a THIRD argument that Epicurus also felt he had to address, and that third argument is very clear, and very logically compelling, even to this day, and that Epicurus met it in very explicit and clear terms.
As a test on my thought process I'd like to see how many here would agree with me on what that is. Could we discuss here in this thread what that third best argument against making pleasure the highest goal of life might be?