Basic Question: Did Epicurus teach that, as a general guide of life, doing things to avoid pain is (1) of greater importance, (2) of lesser importance, or (3) of equal importance with doing things to pursue pleasure? 1
Doing things to avoid pain is of lesser importance than doing things to pursue pleasure. (1) 100%
Doing things to avoid pain is of greater importance than doing things to pursue pleasure. (0) 0%
Doing things to avoid pain is of equal importance with doing things to pursue pleasure. (0) 0%
The question makes no sense because all we need do is act to avoid pain and we will automatically experience great pleasure. (0) 0%
This poll is designed to spark discussion on how to rank the goals of "pursuing pleasure" and "avoiding pain." If you have time please add a reply giving your thoughts as to the best answer (or your personal answer, if not the same thing )