With these words I hope not to offend anyone. Consider it my friendly reflection.
One of the things that I appreciate most in Epicurus's philosophy is moderation and one of the master's phrases that I like best is the Vatican sayng 74: "In a scholarly dispute, he who loses gains more because he has learned something".
This is why I don't believe I have any truth in my hand.
As Epicurus, I believe that no divine being interferes in the life of men. But precisely "I believe". As it is not possible to prove the existence of God it is not even possible to prove its non-existence. At most we can argue about the possibilities of one thesis or another.
I believe that the teachings of Epicurus are a privileged way to happiness. The best I know. But I do not pretend that this is the case for everyone.
I have a friend who feels such a comfort in believing that there is a God to take care of him who, if denied, could hardly be happy.
I know people who follow a passion in their lives, a passion that drives them throughout their lives and makes sense of them.
I don't think this can make them happy, but why should I decide for them?
I believe that epicureanism is splendid, to find epicurean friends like you is something that makes me very happy. I am committed to spreading his teaching as best I can.
But I respect the ideas of others. I'll never find myself saying, I'm right, you're wrong. This is what religions say.
Epicurus is not a prophet, but a philosopher, his wisdom is human and perfectible.