I thought a little further about desire and the natural/necessary desires.
- Yes unfulfilled desires are/causes pain
- The faculty of pain/pleasure is there to guide us to fulfill these desires and gives pleasure when it is followed
- Without desire and the pleasure in fulfilling and pain in not fulfilling, life would vanish.
=> Our whole body exists for that, we have arms, legs, stomachs, organs, brain etc. which we would not need if we have no need for searching for food/drink/security. Like a stork, often seen as a divine animal but all it organs are selected/adapted / evolved for efficient survival in swamps.
It would be like in Christianity the thoughts about "heaven". If you have no needs/desires/motives for what do you need a body ? A house ? A city ? What are you doing ?
We would be empty roboters but with no function because a function has only meaning and evolved when fulfilling a purpose, a telos.