This Zoom meeting is open to "03 - Established Members" (Level 03) and above.
We reserve this meeting for "03 - Established Members" and above in order to create a discussion place for those who have demonstrated a basic knowledge base of the core Epicurean philosophical tenets which are in accord with the EpicureanFriends forum understanding of Classical Epicurean Philosophy. The vetting process for "01 - Introductory Members" promotion to Level 03 is as follows: Those who have demonstrated this general knowledge with their forum postings or in their participation in other Zoom meetings (the First Monday or the Wednesday meetings) will be extended an invitation to become a Level 03, or they can make a request to be vetted by the membership committee (no later than one week before each 20th).
Monthly 20th Agenda:
- Welcome
- Short reading in commemoration of Epicurus and Metrodorus
- Open discussion - popular forum threads or current topics on the forum, the podcast, Epicurean musings and projects, etc.
- Closing comments
Background: The Twentieth as a commemoration and assembly date was established by the ancient Epicureans in memory of Epicurus and Metrodorus.
From the will of Epicurus in Diogenes Laertius:
"The income of the property left by me to Amynomachus and Timocrates shall be divided by them as far as possible, with the advice of Hermarchus, for the offerings in honor of my father and mother and brothers, and for the customary celebration of my birthday every year on the tenth of Gamelion, and likewise for the assembly of my disciples which takes place on the twentieth of each month, having been established in recollection of myself and Metrodorus. Let them also keep the day of my brothers in Poseideon and the day of Polyaenus in Metageitmon, as I have done myself."