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VI.-Epicurean Contubernium
Early persecutions and chronic ill-health are insufficient to account for the non-political or quietistic character of Epicurean doctrines. From
the first there was an element of mystic fellowship in the school. The bond of union was love and the goal a new disposition amenable to a
specific discipline. Communicants were required to receive and to administer correction with frankness, firmness and good humor. The Greek
term XXXXXX was rendered contubernium in silver Latin, earlier by consuetudo, convictus, or the like. Frequent mention by Cicero attests the
familiarity of the idea. Tacitus employs the phrase felix contubernium of Vergil and his friends, which throws a new light on Augustan relationships.
Version 1.0.0
Cassius -
December 28, 2021 at 7:01 PM -
249.31 kB -