Epicurean Friends Image Gallery
Welcome to the EpicureanFriends Image Gallery, where our Level 3 and above participants post and share images for public use in the teaching and promotion of Epicurean philosophy. Please limit contributions to those which directly relate and support the philosophy of Epicurus. Choose the topic to display by selecting from the "Categories" listed ( at left on a wide-screen device or in the footer below on a mobile device). To view the Latest Images, click here.
For context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/double-ds-facts-book/
"Observing this blessed day that is also the last of [my] life we write this for you all.1 The hyperbolic greatness of suffering from both strangury2 and dysentery3 do not abate in me. But standing in array against all of that4 rejoices the mind upon reliving the memory of our dialogues. But you worthily from your adolescence have shown devotion to me and to philosophy [and accordingly I ask you to properly] take care of the children of Metrodoros."