Stranger - Here you will do well to tarry! Here our highest good is Pleasure!

Blogging On A World Where Nothing Comes From Nothing

Promoting the Study of the Philosophy of Epicurus

A Reading List For New Epicureans

One project that has been percolating in the background here at is a reading list for new students of Epicureanism.

The original source material left to us today includes texts that are very clear and understandable, but often wrapped under so many layers of historical context that readers today find the core principles difficult to ferret out.

And so, as a modest proposal, think about this:  What would an Epicurean of 250 AD, knowing that he had available as texts only copies of Diogenes Laertius’ biography, Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura, and the letters of Cicero, recommend for new students to explain the basic principles of Epicureanism?

For starter’s here’s a proposed list, which is being posted as a separate Core Texts page on this site.   A PDF version is also available via Scribd.

Each bullet is an excerpt from the original text.

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